
Qt mac os root
Qt mac os root

qt mac os root qt mac os root

qt mac os root

Ln -fs /usr/bin/consolehelper /usr/bin/myapp Now we have to create a symlink with the name (has to be lowercase) of our application binary and linked to the consolehelper program: This directory also have to contain a file with the same name (has to be lowercase) of our application binary, without extention and with the following content: This directory have to contain a file with the same name (has to be lowercase) of our application binary and without extention, for example: The /etc/security/console.apps/ directory

#Qt mac os root install#

To install this package just execute the following command: The usermode package contains the userhelper program, which can be used to allow configured programs to be run with superuser privileges by ordinary users. Note: This steps has been only tested on Fedora GNU/Linux, but should work on any other Red Hat based distributions. When we have done all this, an authentication dialog will show up just before our aplication to run, after typing the correct root password we are going to have our application running with administrator rights. However this five steps are very easy, so there should be no problem to accomplish it. The steps shown below are not directly related to Qt, indeed with the operative system, so the developer has to have a basic of system administration knowledge. This tutorial is intended for developers with the need for their applications to run with root privileges, without using su or one of it GUI equivalents, like kdesu. 3 The /etc/security/console.apps/ directory.

Qt mac os root